Devlog Update 118

We started with some bigger tasks this week that’ll probably keep us busy for the majority of this month, so expect more of the same for the next couple blog posts :)

I started implementing the Go-karts Garret modeled a while ago. What makes them tricky is that they work unlike any other tracked ride we have in the game so far - there are multiple cars racing and overtaking each other at the same time over multiple laps, so figuring that out was the first and most important task. It’s mostly working:

Next up there are lots of smaller details left to do (including making the road look less flat ;)). More progress on that next week!

Luuk started working on advertisement campaigns. It’ll be possible to run advertisements for the park or for individual shops and attractions. A big part of the UI and some of the functionality is done:

More on how advertisements work next week.

Devlog Update 117 + Alpha 6

Alpha 6 is now available for download! The full change log is at the end of this post.

Pinewood Acres, by PulseDesign


This week, we put the bumper cars into the game that Garret made during the last Art Stream:

The finance overview was one of the first pieces of proper UI we put into the game early last year. Back then it seemed like a good idea to keep it very compact, but in the end it made things a bit cluttered and confusing.
Luuk replaced it with a proper table that should be more helpful:

Tim completed the loans for now:

Since you can’t go bankrupt yet they aren’t terribly useful at the moment, but they’re in Alpha 6 anyways for gathering feedback.


- added Hydraulically-launched Coaster
- added Bumper Cars
- added loans (you can’t go bankrupt yet, so this is just for gathering feedback on it)
- added attraction maintenance costs
- added thunderstorms
- added rain ambiance
- colorized employee paths by zone color
- audio improvements
- improved finance overview
- improved performance of large terrain area selections/zones rendering
- macOS: using Metal renderer if available
- fixed not being able to synchronize with stations of same tracked ride anymore
- fixed people getting stuck inside utility buildings/ride platforms if dropped onto them
- fixed problems with placing stuff on the terrain border
- fixed being able to change banking angle using scroll wheel if banking angle slider is disabled
- fixed issues when placing objects next to the terrain border

Devlog Update 116

Art Stream

September is almost over, and you know what that means - time for another Art Stream! Join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Wednesday at 1pm PST to chat while watching some new Parkitect art being created.


Luuk added guest settings to the scenario editor to allow tweaking the scenario difficulty a bit:

Tim is working on loans. You’ll be offered a couple of loan options with different interest rates and runtimes to choose from that change every now and then.
Once this is complete we can start working on money balance and going bankrupt to finally get away from the purely sandbox-only scenarios :)

Employee paths reflect the color of the zone they are in:

Devlog Update 115

We added a Hydraulically-launched Coaster! On a special launch track segment the catch-car grabs the train and accelerates it:

Additionally this coaster features vertical sections with rolls.

(We’ll have to improve the supports for something like that, it looks a bit weird right now.)

Luuk added thunderstorms. They turned out really nice:

We’ll leave it to you to discover what they do :)